Stay At Home Self-Portraits
A photo activity for parents and kids.

Hello, Parents!
Thanks for stopping by! I designed this Stay At Home Self-Portrait Series for those of you stuck in the house with your kids while you ride out the Covid-19 pandemic together. This series is not meant to be project-focused but rather fun, introspective single photo assignments you could do with your child or your child could do on their own. To begin, please show your kid how to use the self-timer on their camera or mobile device if they don't already know. Then, let them decide the best time to explore how, when, and where to take their self-portraits. If you prefer a more collaborative effort tell your child you're willing to take their portrait but only as long as they are agree to direct you. It's important they generate their own initial ideas about how they wish to portray themselves.
Let's Share!
Please share your child's self portrait with us by emailing them to along with a Photo Caption. Please click here and learn how to help your child write a catchy caption! If you like, you can send us your child's first name and age but this is optional.
Let's Connect Kids Around the World!
We believe it's helpful for kids to see how other kids around the world are handling isolation, confinement, sudden lack of physical contact with their friends, and a new sense of self as it relates to what must be for most of them a sudden and drastic new reality. Please share this project with any friends you may have across the globe. Ask them to participate. Together, we can document and archive for future generations a collection of self-portraits that will provide visual insight into how our kids interpreted themselves during this uncertain yet transformative time in their young lives.
Photo Release
We will post your child's self-portrait on a separate feature page like our Gallery page here as well as on our Facebook page. If you do not wish for your child's portrait to be featured here please let us know. We'd be happy to simply send a bit of positive feedback to your in-house photographer. :)
We believe in empowering children and youth voices through the practice and exploration of photography. It's what we do around here. These days, we really miss engaging and collaborating with our young workshop participants. This is just our way of connecting with kids and sharing with others the creative and intuitive impulses they bring to the world of photography!
Questions About This Series? Email us here.
Ok, kids let's get started...

Ages 5-11
Have a family member take a photo of you. Tell them exactly how you would like to look in your photo. (Or put your camera, smartphone, iPad on self-timer and take it yourself.) Include anything in your photo that will remind you of your stay at home time. What will you remember most about having to stay home? Or take a photo of yourself doing something you hope to do as soon as you can go outside.
Have fun!

Ages 5-9
Have a family member take a photo of you dressed in your favourite Halloween costume or any costume at all. (Or put your camera, smartphone, iPad on self-timer and take it yourself.)
Tell them exactly how you would like to look in your photo. Tell us why you chose your costume and a bit about your costume character. What does your character do while stuck at home? What do they hope to do as soon as they can go outside?
Have fun!

Ages 7-12
Have a family member take a photo of you without showing your face. Tell them exactly how you would like to look in your photo. But, remember, you can't show your face. (Or put your camera, smartphone, iPad on self-timer and take it yourself.) Show us your personality without showing us your face. Let's see if we can guess if you're funny, serious, brave, quiet, loud or anything at all!
Have fun!
My (Halloween
Dress Up!) Portrait
My (Stay At Home)
My (No Face) Portrait