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Cameras in the Classroom

Grade 8 Gifted Students Photo Collage, St. Louis Separate School, Etobicoke, ON


In our flagship program, we use photography as a vehicle for self-expression, critical and creative thinking, communication, collaboration, and classroom inclusivity. We teach students the fundamentals of photography and how they can be used to create compelling images, tell a story, communicate a message.

But principals and teachers often ask us, "How does your program address the Ontario curriculum guidelines in visual arts and media literacy?"

In response, we compiled the following points corresponding to the requirements and expectations of the Ontario curriculum for visual arts (in this case for grades 5-8) that you, a principal, teacher, learning coach, may find helpful when deciding to bring our program to your school.

Creating and Presenting:

• Our program students develop an understanding of elements of design: line, shape/form, texture, pattern, and colour.

• Our program students create and present photographs using elements and principles of design.

Visual Arts & Media Literacy:

• Our program students learn how photographs represent various messages.

• Our program students learn that photographs can be open to interpretation.

• Students learn how to analyze photographs using visual thinking strategies introduced in the program.

Critical Analysis:

• Our program students learn to communicate the feelings, themes ideas and social issues in their own photographs and learn how to identify the same in the photographs of their classmates.

• Our program students are encouraged to use their new critical thinking skills to analyse photographs as opposed to their immediate emotional reactions to an image/imagery.

Exploring Forms and Cultural Contexts:

• Our program students are introduced to various genres of photography and photography careers such as portraiture, documentary, commercial, landscape, architectural, etc.

• Our program students engage in peer review of each other’s photographs. This introduces them to various interpretations of their work and fosters respect for a variety of opinions and perspectives.


If you are a parent, teacher, principal, or learning coach interested in our popular in-school program, please contact us at or call our Program Director and Founder, Diana Nazareth at 416-320-0546.

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